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Monday, September 1, 2008

Homeopathic Schools - Teaching Innovative Ways to Heal

Samuel Hahnemann, known as the father of homeopathy, first coined the term, "homeopathy" in 1807. Little did he know that his theories on medical similars would still be taught in homeopathic schools centuries later.

If we track back in history, we find that conventional medicine in the 19th century incorporated barbaric and sometimes lethal healthcare treatments like blood-letting. In other words, what may be accepted as "traditional medicine" today proves to be a constantly-evolving cycle of treatment credibility. It was through Hahnemann's teachings at homeopathic institutions that taught individuals that there were more efficient and often natural ways to achieving health and healing.

Since that time, homeopathic schools have been teaching a system of natural health care both here in the United States and across International borders throughout the world. In Belgium, for example, 59 percent of alternative and complementary medicine practitioners provide homeopathy* as a form of treatment; but that number could inevitably grow worldwide as public demand for alternative and complementary medicine continues to expand. (*World Health Organization - Regional Committee for the Easter Mediterranean Region)

The aim of homeopathic colleges is to teach students and future practitioners the principles of "like curing like," and the "minimum dose" necessary for treatment. Because homeopathic medicine works with self-healing powers of the body to restore health and to promote wellbeing, teachers at homeopathic schools instruct students in treating individuals as a whole, and not just for specific "diseases." Primary homeopathic treatment focuses on all aspects of the healing process, including emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Homeopathic schools vary in prerequisite requirements; however a typical educational program is comprised of up to four years of in-depth studies. In the first year, students gain a foundational course in the theories and principles of homeopathy. In addition to learning about the law of similars, students learn the science of homeopathic provings, homeopathic pharmacy, materia medica, acute and chronic case taking, Hering's Law, and more.

Year two at homeopathic schools provides hands-on training to future homeopathic practitioners. In addition to casework, advanced theories and practical applications are introduced to students at this point in time.

Years three and four at homeopathic academic institutions are designed for individuals who are seriously pursuing a career as a homeopathic practitioner. Learning how to take cases, prescribe treatments, assess and make prognosis, and case management, among other associated studies.

Since the time of Hippocrates, a number of healthcare systems have come to the forefront with each making purported claims of how their system works the best; however, homeopathic schools may offer some of the most advanced and enlightening modes of thinking and practical health treatments to date.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding educational programs in homeopathy, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore homeopathic schools near you.

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