Start A New Career With An Acupuncture Training Program
If you're curious about how acupuncture works, and you've got a fascination with the ancient Chinese techniques, it's likely you'd be interested in learning how to do the procedures yourself. You can do this by enrolling in an acupuncture training program or even a general medical program which offers courses in alternative therapies.
If you start looking for schools, you'll be surprised to find out how very few schools are actually accredited to teach acupuncture techniques. In the U.S. there are only around 50 schools you can attend to become certified as an acupuncturist.
An alternative way to get the training you would need is to find a certified Chinese doctor who practices here in America and will agree to give you a formal acupuncture education. There are thousands of Chinese citizens here who know the techniques, and they will be able to tell you where you can find such a doctor to help you.
To start with, however, you should ask people you know, including your family doctor, to get an idea of what school you could attend to get your training. In addition, by using a search engine to look for acupuncture training, you can find websites that list schools which give accredited training. You can look through them and see where they offer the quickest, easiest, and most affordable training. It will be worth your while to seek your certification, because once you have it you'll be able to work in alternative therapy clinics or even start a practice of your own.
Actually, once you learn the techniques, you don't have to be accredited to practice them. However, you'll find that if you have certification, potential patients will consider you a professional acupuncture therapist and put their trust in you. So, if you want to begin a successful practice, you should make sure that you get yourself properly trained in advance. There are a lot of fake practitioners in business, and you want to make sure to set yourself apart from them.
Before signing up for any training program, you'll want to call and visit with someone at several schools so you can ask then a lot of questions. You'll want to know how long the program runs until certification, how much it will cost, and the type of classes they offer. You'll definitely want something that features a lot of hands-on training, because that's the best way to learn any technique.
As we mentioned earlier, with only fifty or so programs available in the United States, it's likely you'll have to travel quite a distance to receive the training you need. You may want to ask if there are any scholarships available to help you offset both the cost of the training and travel expenses. You'll also find that if you decide you really want to continue your acupuncture and Chinese medicine training, there are even Master's programs offered at some schools.
It doesn't really matter what type of program you choose, as long as you become accredited. Acupuncture is becoming more popular each year, because our Western culture has finally begun to realize the merits of the treatment. Therefore, it is a field that is wide open with opportunities for anyone who decides to become certified, which might just as well be you!
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