Is Feng Shui Certification For You?
So you are wondering if you should become a certified feng shui practitioner or not. Can you learn by reading books? Or do you need formal training to become adept at this ancient art? If you decide that you want to pursue a formal training program do you have any idea of where to start? First you should know there is no standard for certification in this field. Each school decides what the criteria are for a student to become certified. And some schools do not certify their students at all. Some offer certificates for completion of each class and some do not.
In my opinion if you desire to become a qualified practitioner it is best to undertake a course of formal study. Anyone can write a book on feng shui and many do. It is difficult to know what the real expertise of the writer is. There are some good and interesting books out there but sorting through them blindly can lead to trouble in the end.
With so many schools out there and it can be very confusing to separate one from another.
Should you study online or in person? Many people like to study online first and then if they decide to become really serious they will attend classes in person. This is a cost effective way to start out your studies. Online classes usually offer private chat rooms where students can get together to discuss class materials and ask questions of advanced students and the teacher. Within certain limits you are free to study at your own pace.
When you decide to attend classes in person you not only have the ability to do onsite training at various locations but also have the comradeship of people who are interested in the subject. If you are reading this you have probably already been in the situation where your friends and family think you are a little weird for being interested in feng shui. Networking with other like minded people is a plus at in-person classes. Some schools offer "Intensives", a time when many of the classes are offered back to back. This saves travel money for those who are far away. But the operative word here is intensive. It is difficult to absorb so much new material at one sitting. Otherwise 3-4 day classes are offered every month or so. This extends the time it takes to complete your study and there will be repeated trips to the school adding to the expense. At many schools students are able to retake classes at a reduced fee. Take advantage of this opportunity, it is worth it.
Where to find school you say. Start your research on the internet. There are a number of reputable school in the US and Canada. Often these teachers will also teach in other countries. Read the websites carefully. Take advantage of the contact me option to ask questions about the school. Try to talk to some graduates of the school to hear their opinions of the training they received. Then sign up for an online class to take a test run. Even if you don't want to complete a formal feng shui study program you won't be sorry you did.
Diane Kern has been trained in the ancient art of Feng Shui in the traditional method. The knowledge has been transmitted through 13 generations from Masters to student via an apprenticeship of extensive study and practical field experience. Ms. Kern was included in a small group of students selected by her Master for advanced training. She is a member of an international team of experts, Alliance Feng Shui, whose resources can be called upon to accomplish your goals.
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